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Configure SFTP Client (Mac)

How to configure your SFTP Client in Mac OS and connect it to your Templ site so you can access your files via SFTP.

Karl avatar
Written by Karl
Updated over a week ago

If you haven't already, please complete Part 1 & 2 first:

Now that you have generated your SSH key and added it to the Templ Panel, it's time to set up your SFTP client. In this example, we are going to be using FileZilla, but you can use any other SFTP client of your choice.

Configure SFTP Client (FileZilla)

Step 1: Download and install FileZilla. You can download FileZilla from here.

Once you have installed FileZilla and opened the program, the next step is to add your Templ site in FileZilla. Start by clicking the "Site Manager" icon in the top left of FileZilla, and then "New Site". Refer to the screenshot below:

On the General tab, here is where you add your site, enter the following:

Host: Your domain (
Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
Logon Type: Key File
User: The SFTP username is displayed on the Overview page in our panel.
Key File: Locate your key file that you generated, you want to add "id_rsa"

How to add the key file to FileZilla:
This part is not self explanatory, so here is the easiest way to add the SSH key file to FileZilla:

Next to "Key file" click the Browse button:

Once the window opens, click Command key (⌘) + Shift + G on your keyboard to bring up a path selection window. In the path selection, copy and paste the following:


Like this:

Click "Go" and Select the "id_rsa" key file and click Open (this imports the key).

There may be other files in the same folder, be sure that you select "id_rsa".

Note: Depending on your FileZilla version, FileZilla may ask you to Convert your key file, click Yes and save the new converted key file. If your key file is password protected, you will also be prompted to enter that password.

The set up is now complete and should look similar to this:
(But with your website address)

If you are using Cloudflare or similar, then you need to connect with your server's IP address

 Click "Connect" and make sure the file access is working. In case you get a message from FileZilla, click OK to disregard the message, you can also click "Always trust" to avoid the message in the future.

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